I slept in my fantastic new lululemon purchases and they are amazing. I woke up super refreshed at 7am (no alarm). I then proceeded to get some coffee for mom and I at dunkin donuts, then I went to the barn and helped out. I just came up to change into riding attire and i wanted to download some songs for a mix I am in the process of making for my favorite cross country driver.. and I happened upon a song called "art isnt real" by deer tick. Now this song, as good as it is, has wayyy bigger meaning than just an accidental download. I heard it on a commercial about 3 years ago and it stuck in my head and I couldnt find it, i searched and searched and I couldnt find the song or the commercial again. Until today, 3 years later, I found the song. WHAT A GREAT DAY and its only 8:45.
Hell yea.